you cannot live a full life on an empty stomach while body gremlins are screaming at you..





hi, I'm cilla.

I used to be stuck in the restrict and binge cycle for yearsss. It truly felt like a lifetime. I know the struggle, the frustration, the relentless battle with food and body image. I was the girl that couldn't break free from diet culture because I never did the work to unlearn my toxic beliefs about what bodies "should" look like. I truly believed deep in my heart that my value and worthiness was connected to my body appearance. 

The endless promises of starting over tomorrow, only to find yourself back at square one. The constant struggle to control food and pretend that you can create your body into the ideal image. I get it; it's tireless. And let me tell you, the journey from self-doubt to self-discovery is nothing short of miraculous.

But here's the good news: you can do the damn thing. I know this, because my once limiting belief's told me that I couldn't and well... you read the rest above. 

I help women break free from diet culture by empowering them to find true food and body freedom. I teach women to stop blaming their body by unlearning their inherited fat phobia, weight bias, and limiting mindset that is keeping them stuck in the same ole' cycle.




Get a glimpse of what I do:

This 6-step body image framework will change the way that you think about your body for the rest of your life... and I'm not kidding. You will learn exactly how to go from hating your body every damn day to no longer skipping out on getting in the pool with your friends while you sit poolside with a cover up on and a mind full of spiraling thoughts of "if only you were thinner."

sign me up


Your transformative journey with Cilla starts today – your anti-diet body image bestie. Whether you're wanting to finally taste the sweet freedom of a healthy relationship with food or crave the comforting embrace of body acceptance, my self-paced courses are your ticket to healing. Let's ditch diet culture together and re-discover how worthy you no matter what the size of your jeans says...

Body Image coaching

my courseS

giving into diet culture is so yesterday..

Are there times where it feels like you will always be attached to a mirror that says you will never be good enough? Do you ever wonder why you let a silly number on a scale decide whether or not you're going to have a "good day"?

forever by noah kahan